Féach cad atá ar siúl
Community Open Call Meet & Greet events
Community Open Call Meet & Greet events
Take A Part Carlow and the Forge Hens Shed
Carlow Regional Youth Services Consultation & Project Development
Carlow Rambling House programme
Carlow Care Concerts
Foireann Cultúir agus Cruthaíochta
Rosemary Ryan
Coimeádaí ar Mhúsaem na Seod, Port Láirge - 3 Mhúsaem sa Triantán Lochlannach
TeagmháilÁr Straitéis
Creative Waterford’s Culture and Creativity Strategy focuses on Waterford’s commitment to establishing, developing and supporting Creative Communities in rural and urban areas. An emphasis on up-skilling communities and individuals to fully realise their creative potential is at the heart of our commitment to Waterford’s strategy. The creation of a cultural and creative ecosystem that promotes the values of inclusivity, access, participation and engagement in society is the driving force for the strategy.