Is é sin an t-údar gur ionann tuairimí leanaí agus daoine óga agus prionsabal treorach Óige Ildánach, agus in éineacht lenár gcomhpháirtithe sa Roinn Leanaí, Comhionannais, Míchumais, Lánpháirtíochta agus Óige agus Mol na nÓg, cuimsítear sin i ngnéithe éagsúla den Phlean.
Bhí gá, den chuid is mó, imeacht fíorúil nó sraith imeachtaí fíorúla a dhéanamh de Chomhdháil Óige Ildánach 2021 – Cruthaitheacht; an nasc chuig an todhchaí anois – ach bhíomar ag iarraidh tuairimí na ndaoine óga agus mar a bhraith siad faoi chruthaitheacht agus mar is féidir le cruthaitheacht tacú leo, sa scoil, ina bpobal agus sa bhaile a fháil amach.
Thug ár gComhpháirtithe sna trí Chomhpháirtíocht Óige Ildánach Áitiúla agus scoil a ghlac páirt sa tionscnamh Scoileanna Ildánacha, roinnt daoine óga le chéile a bhfuil taithí acu ar an méid atá cruthaitheacht in ann a chur lena saol agus a gcuid oideachais.
"We wanted to hear what young people thought and felt about creativity and how it can support them in school, in their community and at home"
The words of the young people involved in these, and other, initiatives will form part of the Creative Youth partnership’s consideration on the next steps needed to ensure our young people are provided with equitable access to the arts, culture and creative activities, and to be provided with the opportunities to grow, learn and develop into the (creative) citizens of the future.
We hope that these insights from young people themselves will also inspire you and we encourage everyone to take some time to watch and listen to what young people themselves have to say about creativity in the four videos below.