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Youth Centre Twinning: A Cross-Border Cultural Exchange

Creative Ireland along with Dublin City Council Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity Committee supported by the Gallery of Photography Ireland were delighted to present this project.

Five photographers were chosen to respond creatively to the theme of ‘diversity’ in Dublin city. The photographers were Mandy O’Neill, Ala Buisir, Jialin Long, Tessy Ehiguese and Tobi Isaac-Irein.

For over five months, the photographers deeply engaged with diverse Dublin communities, creating exciting new connections between the artist, local communities, and the city. The commissioned projects dramatically reflected the changed social and cultural landscape of our capital city as we approach the centenary of the foundation of the State.

The project was launched on the 1st July 2021, “I am delighted to support this beautiful project which powerfully conveys the diversity of Dubliners in 2021. It’s all part of Creative Ireland’s vision of providing local opportunities for new creative talent to express themselves and be given a platform.” — Minister Catherine Martin.

The striking photographs were presented to public audiences through an outdoor exhibition on digi-panels, metropoles and bus shelters across Dublin city over a two-week period.

The project was a huge success with the public and received terrific reviews from the media.

Media response:

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