Ripple was one of 12 jury prizes out of over 1,450 entries from the EU and the Balkans.
Ripple: Making connection between Water and Climate Change in our Towns proposes a collaborative place-based approach to climate resilient green space in towns. During 2022, the Ripple team worked with a community in Ballina, County Mayo to see if a model of respectful support, listening and engagement could generate a positive ripple-effect.

Together they built the Paradise Garden, a climate-friendly intergenerational amenity space and wildlife haven, where rainwater is slowed through a series of rills, wells and natural attenuation on its way to the river. Ripple was led by the University College Dublin Centre for Irish Towns (Orla Murphy, Sarah Cotterill, Philip Crowe, Rebecca O’Malley), Ballina Green Towns (Mark Duffy, Kevin Loftus) and artist Ríonach Ni Néill.
Ripple is a Creative Climate Action initiative and was supported by Creative Ireland and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications. Sarah Cotterill and Rebecca O’Malley were thrilled to accept the award on behalf of the Ripple team, the community in Greenhills in Ballina and the many collaborators who contributed to the project.
Photo: Orla Murphy