Youth theatre in Ireland has long helped build the careers of some of the best players and playwrights in the country and now it’s set for a substantial boost with an exciting expansion partnership announced by Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, T.D, and the Creative Ireland Programme.
Famous youth theatre alumni include actor Aiden Gillen, performer Camille O’Sullivan, playwright Enda Walsh, producer Philly McMahon and war journalist Maggie Kane and it’s hoped this expansion will build on this existing legacy and develop the future faces of theatre in Ireland.
This pilot initiative will roll-out a new nationwide expansion and structure for the development, training and start-up of youth theatre groups. This means that Youth Theatre Ireland will expand beyond their presence in 24 counties to a new group in Dublin and in each of the counties where no affiliate currently exists.
The announcement was well-timed with the opening night of the National Youth Theatre (NYT) ensemble production of “Ask Too Much Of Me” at the Peacock Theatre, which was written directly for the ensemble from playwright Dylan Coburn Gray and runs from August 19th-24th.
From September onwards, Youth Theatre Ireland will have a new dedicated Special Projects Officer to bring about setting up of new partnerships and relationships with local groups and youth services to expand youth theatre into new areas and provide introductory taster workshops for young people.