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Youth Centre Twinning: A Cross-Border Cultural Exchange

2 min read

Youth Centre Twinning: A Cross-Border Cultural Exchange

2 min read


Youth Centre Twinning: A Cross-Border Cultural Exchange

As part of Cruinniú na nÓg 2024, Dublin City Council collaborated with Prime Cut Productions in Belfast City to launch an inspiring cross-border initiative aimed at connecting young people from Dublin and Belfast through cultural exchanges.

The project kicked off in May 2024, bringing together youth centres from both sides of the Irish border for a series of dynamic exchanges. Over the course of five months, 21 young participants from Dublin’s SWAN Youth Centre and Belfast’s Shaftesbury Community & Recreation Centre and New Lodge Arts engaged in creative workshops and collaborative activities designed to explore their cities from each other’s perspectives.

The exchange program began with immersive trips to both cities, expertly facilitated by the Prime Cut team, led by Bobbi-Rai Purdy. During these exchanges, the young people spent a day in each city, working alongside theatre and film artists Matt Faris and Rhiann Jeffrey to create a short documentary that captured their reflections on urban life, civic responsibility, and the shared experiences of young people in different settings.

After Cruinniú na nÓg 2024, the project deepened with a residential trip to Share Discovery Village in County Fermanagh. This opportunity allowed the group to step away from the city and immerse themselves in nature. During this trip, the young participants created another documentary exploring the role of nature in their well-being and the importance of environmental stewardship.

Both films are set to premiere in a closing event in Dublin late this year as an opportunity for the young people to share their learnings and experiences with friends and family. This showcase will mark the end of a powerful journey for all involved.

The five-month journey has proven to be profoundly impactful for everyone involved. The participants demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment throughout the process, forging

lasting connections across the border. Through empathy, creativity, and shared experiences, the project has not only broadened their horizons but also helped build stronger relationships between the youth of Dublin and Belfast.


“Meeting all these new people has made me more confident to talk to new people. This has been an amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to do more.”

“I learnt that I should look at the world in a bigger picture, actually connecting with the world and not being so selfish and think for a minute what others are going through.”

For more information, click here.





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