The Wee Littles
The Wee Littles is a highly original animation series for pre-school children about the world of small creatures of the forest floor, under the "regular" human first sight. It has been airing on RTÉ Junior since November 2022 in English and Irish. The world of the story is unique, inspired by County Clare’s flora and fauna, and is inhabited by a friendly tiny family living, loving, and sharing in a great big world.
The stories are about how they handle being very small in a big world using their own inventive flair, and how they overcome life’s little obstacles by using their imagination, positive support, and always humour.
Building upon the series’ broadcast success, Magpie 6 Media, the creators, are developing a prototype test of a Geo-Located AR Door to create a Wee Littles version of a Faery Door that can be geo-located via a phone/tablet app and once located, it will provide the user a virtual token to collect and view an augmented reality animated clip of The Wee Littles.
The series began in County Clare with our forest trails and green spaces with the intention to introduce more locations like the Burren and Lahinch.
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