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1st Aug 2025
to 30th Aug 2025

Age Range
16-18 and/or 18+

TU Tallaght Campus

D24 FKT9

SubSounds Youth Music Festival

This festival is a partnership between SubSounds and Music Generation local Music Education Partnership's: South Dublin County, Kildare, Fingal, Meath, Dublin City, and Wicklow. The festival is youth led and youth centred, and will feature performances by participants of projects from these six counties. SubSounds is a youth music collective for young people aged 14-18 based in Tallaght. Since 2004 it has worked with musicians from around South Dublin County, mentoring them in the composition, arrangement, performance and recording of original music.

As part of this years SubSounds festival Creative Ireland South Dublin will be supporting neurodiverse musicians and audience members to access the events by providing  reset/safe sensory space where they can regulate the body and mind to enable them to return to the main festival with their peers, The SubSounds Festival aims to be a fully inclusive and accessible event which is critical to neurodivergent teens being able to attend and access. This requires providing an adaptive and supportive environment which the attendees can not only see but access.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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