Still Voices Film Festival
Still Voices is a short film festival that has grown steadily in the Midlands over the past 4 years.
In 2021 the festival will celebrate it’s 5th year, and will have a combination of ‘live’ and ‘online’ screenings, workshops and Masterclasses across Westmeath, Longford and Roscommon. Westmeath has grown its involvement with the festival thanks to Creative Ireland support over the past 2 years.
With a small team of dedicated and specialised organisers, and with the support of Westmeath, Longford and Roscommon County Councils, the Still Voices Short Film Festival delivers new, exciting and world class cinema for the local community and wider Midlands region. From 2021 onwards, The Still Voices Short Film Festival will also be working with Creative Roscommon as part of a tri-county collaboration to promote, distribute and exhibit the work of filmmakers from these counties and in the future, to pursue bursaries for the production of short films within the counties by local artists. Working in partnership with these three County Councils provides a great opportunity for cross collaboration under the Creative Ireland framework.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.