Screen craft Studios
This project connects Art & Creative play with another interest of many target participants – films & stories. We can all relate to particular films & stories that capture our hearts & imagination and overtake our daydreams. In these Creative sessions participants will take favourite films & stories and make their own creations of the iconic scenes / characters / objects that they most favour from the script.
To present the activity to the group the first three films delivered will be activities summarised below. The second four films / stories will be discussed with & chosen by the participants that sign up.
Up (Film) – Create your own version of the Up house OR Make your own Kevin OR Create your own adventure scrapbook – all craft activities
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Book & Film) – Create your own room in the Chocolate Factory (Craft Activity) OR Design your own Wonka Chocolate bar (Craft & Food Based Activity) including a Golden Ticket Mary Poppins (Book & Film) – What would you put in Mary’s bag? (Creative Writing & art activity) / Paint a picture you’d like to jump into with Bert & Mary (Art Activity) / Make your own Wind Cock (Craft activity)
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.