New Play for Waterford
Playwright Jim Nolan is creating a ‘New Play for Waterford’ keeping our heritage and local history very much to the fore. The play is based on an inner-city family and their social, religious and emotional battles with everyday existence.
Set over a single day and night in the back garden of the eponymous Castelgandolfo, a decaying two-up two-down in Waterford's inner city, Nolan’s new play will revolve around the cataclysmic exposure – and radically conflicting recollections - of a family’s deepest and most secret wounds.
This work will reach a broad local audience and facilitate a regional wide theatrical shared experience that is both rewarding and rare. The project will also involve and collaborate with a large number of local artists, set designers, event managers, radio stations, newspapers, digital publicity forms and thus increase a positive sense of well being and belonging for all involved and those attending this creative work.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.