17th Sep 2021
to 5th Nov 2021
Age Range
All ages
Roscommon Arts Centre
Circular Road
F42 YX61
Martin Parr: 40 Years of Photography in Ireland
Since the late 1980’s the esteemed British documentary photographer Martin Parr has been taking photographs in Ireland. Between 1980-1982 he lived in the West of Ireland where he embedded himself in the land and culture capturing the area where he was based. Since then he has returned many times to continue this work, coming back to the country at regular intervals over the last 3 decades.
During that time, he captured the changing Ireland and created a series of images that present the effects of wealth and Americanisation on the country. At a pivotal time of social and cultural change these series range from the Texan inspired Bungalows of Co. Leitrim to the Country and Western dances in rural dance halls showing an Ireland on the cusp of the Celtic Tiger era. Since then he has produced new series of works around the Silicon Docks in Dublin, once again exploring the new wave of Corporate American influence in Irish society and the shadow of an impending Brexit.
To date this expansive series of images made in Ireland over a 40-year period has not been exhibited in its entirety. In 2021 this will no longer be the case as a new tour presenting all of Parr’s works exploring a variety of themes and events of historical and social significance in Ireland is planned.
More information can be found here
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