Kathleen” is a unique and inventive new artwork that will showcase on Dublin’s Luas service “Kathleen” celebrates the unknown story of brave Irish journalist and activist, Kathleen Napoli McKenna (1897-1988). It is a digital print of a bespoke textile work, with a QR code which links to a video spoken word piece. The short film "Kathleen” by Leah Hilliard, introduces a key character in the Irish Bulletin to new audiences. The Irish Bulletin (1919-1921), published by the Propaganda Department of the first Dáil, functioned as a weapon, such was its ability to circulate vital war information. Witness and contributor to one of the most significant times in Ireland’s history, in her work producing the Irish Bulletin, she showed bravery, resourcefulness and dexterity. Such was the level of secrecy around the production, it relocated around Dublin inner city more than a dozen times in the 20 months it existed.
Leah Hilliard was awarded the ‘Meath County Council Cultural Services Kathleen McKenna Award’ in 2021 in partnership with Solstice Arts Centre. This award is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012 - 2023 initiative.
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