Hidden Nature
Creation of a mural on fencing located in Tralee Bay Wetlands Activity and Eco Park depicting life of the Inner wetlands.
The Ecologists at the Wetlands engages in many free public events on Nature and will use this mural to enhance their stories.
Artist James Hayes (MRIAI) (ARB) has been engaged on the project and has had success in both visual arts landscape nationally and mural creation locally.
The project aims to achieve a number of objectives including:
-Generating more interest in the Wildlife that surrounds us
-Enhancing a public space
-Promoting the range, depth and wealth of creativity in the town and the contribution it can play towards creating a better quality of life for all to enjoy.
-Cultivating well-being and encouraging people to participate in their creative culture and also in other tidy towns initiatives taking place throughout Tralee.
-Ensuring that residents and visitors value and experience creativity in the design and delivery of this initiative.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.