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1st Nov 2021
to 16th Jan 2022

Age Range
All ages

First Forthnight Festival

First Fortnight is progamming work for diverse audiences across Dublin. They are starting conversations in multiple communities around the stigma attached to mental health and breaking down barriers through the arts and cultural action. They have four activities as part of this proposal.

A talk with author Ann Ingle who at 82 has written her memoir which includes details or her husbands years of mental illness followed by his tragic death at forty one. They are also presenting Irish Modern Dance Thetare's Cloud Study, a depiction of the struggles attached to journeys and migration. They are delighted to host a live podcast with the Two Norries, which addresses trauma and responses to trauma that can lead to addiction and negative life impacts. They are continuing their relationship with Exchange House Ireland through screening of the final film of the 'John Boy' trilogy looking at mental health and travellers.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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