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1st Apr 2025
to 30th Sep 2025

Age Range
All ages

Clonoulty Community Garden,

Priest’s Road,
Clonoulty Village

Dancing in the A.R.K.

"Dancing in the A.R.K." is a new Creative Ireland Tipperary project between Print Van Go and the Clonoulty community. 

The theme and title of the project take inspiration from Mary Reynolds’s book ‘We are the ARK’; a call to arms to restore half the land to nature in order to protect our native ecosystems. ( Acts of restorative kindness (ARK) include a diverse range of actions to restore the earth and nature in our spaces and communities.)  Dancing in the A.R.K. brings together a number of creative ideas from pupils at the Clonoulty National School and the Printmakers’ Garden Youth Club to deliver a hands-on learning experience rooted in environmental stewardship, sustainable living and community connection through arts and creativity. 

The project takes the form of three intertwined child-led spaces that aim to inspire and deliver collective acts of restorative kindness and radical care to the natural environment as well as raising awareness of the native habitats in the Clonoulty area.   The three spaces include: a research lab and community library box to deepen the connection between arts and science in to learn more about our native habitats and ecosystems; secondly Nature’s Pharmacy will build an understanding of our various needs and how we can meet them while working in harmony with nature; and finally a story space to explore alternative ways of telling our story and encouraging others to join the movement.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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