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Cultural Companions

1st Jan 2020
to 31st Dec 2020

Age Range
All ages

Cork Cultural Companions creates local networks of like-minded people interested in arts, heritage and culture who can accompany each other to events. It operates by bringing together like-minded people that meet up regularly to go out either with one other person or as part of a small group – albeit at present the focus is on online resources given present and potential Covid-19 measures.

The aim is to provide increased opportunities for older people to engage with Ireland’s vibrant culture and it is supported in Cork by Muintir na Tíre; the HSE; Cork County Council and Cork City Council. With regard to CCC, it sees the involvement of the Arts Officer; Age-Friendly Officer and Heritage/Creative Ireland Officer. Members can join Cork Cultural Companions by contacting Barbara Quinn, Coordinator, by emailing or by phoning 021 4500688 / 085-1300335

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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