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1st May 2025
to 22nd Oct 2025

Age Range


F42 X674

Creggs Quilt

We aim to create a quilt for our local area, which would hang in a public area in the village. The quilt will bring people together to work on a project and result in a material representation of who we are and where we live.

We intend to bring 20-30 people together for a 12-week project to create a quilt representing all facets of our local area - Creggs. Project planning will take place in May, when we will decide the number and nature of panels and what will be represented on the quilt and the colouirs to be used. The quilting will take place in the CS Parnell Heritage Centre on Thursday nights in August, September and October and will include new arrivals to the village, people from Ukraine, Brazil, Poland, Czech Republic, India as well as young and old people from the surrounding area. It is an opportunity to improve community cohesiveness, combat social isolation and increase people's knowledge of and enjoyment of their local area.

For more information contact Creggs Rural Development CLG at 

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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