Creative Brainwaves: Dementia Inclusive Creative Programme
‘Creative Brainwaves’ is a programme that aims to increase awareness of the positive impacts of creativity for people living with dementia. It also aims to build capacity and sustain the creative practice that has evolved locally by supporting artists/facilitators.
The programme contains fours strands:
1. Peer mentoring and support for local artists and creative facilitators to build future capacity for creative dementia inclusive work.
2. A series of Creative Dementia Inclusive Awareness Raising Workshops in partnership with the Global Brain Health Institute.
3. A programme of one to one creativity & arts sessions with people living with dementia and/or carers together in their homes, supported by the Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI) and led by the Living Well with Dementia service.
4. A Multisensory arts-based project for people living with dementia in two residential care settings; Dalkey Community Unit for Older People and St. Joseph’s Shankill.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.