Ceol le Chéile
1st Feb 2019
to 31st Dec 2019
Age Range
All ages
Main Street
The Donegal Intergenerational choir, “Ceol le Chéile” was established in February 2018 as an action of the Donegal Age Friendly Strategy to provide social participation opportunities for older people and to promote intergenerational, social inclusion and cross community activity between young people and older people in County Donegal.
The Donegal Intergenerational Music project Ceol le Chéile is a collaborative social inclusion initiative, led by Donegal County Council and supported by the HSE, Healthy Ireland, Creative Ireland, Letterkenny Institute of Technology and Local Link.
In designing the vision, identity and outputs for the choir it was important for the stakeholders that musical output and wellness had equal priority, we wanted to deliver a choir that was different to other choirs in the county, this difference was the emphasis on the participants and delivering health and personal benefits, we wanted to deliver a choir for people who need a choir more than the existing choirs needed them, and from that perspective we have succeeded. That said, the choir has also become an important cultural output in its own right, reaching excellent musical standards.
Among the planned highlights for this year are participating in the Pan Celtic festival and performing at the national convention of Older Persons Councils, Bealtaine, Earagail Arts Festival, Social Inclusion Week and Culture Night.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.