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Bealtaine Kerry 2022

Number of events as part of Kerry's Bealtaine Festival including:

1. Mindful Drawing Sessions for Bealtaine Festival/ Age and Opportunity. Theses sessions explore mindful drawing using ink as a medium with St. John of God participants such as:

  • Looking at Japanese/Chinese Zen drawings and how they resonate with the viewer, describing the artwork, noticing the effects it has.
  • Expressing lines and shapes with an active mindful engagement of the hand-eye-brush connection.
  • Exploring the medium of ink regards different markmaking.
  • Creating an expression on paper inspired by the artworks viewed.
2. St John’s Theatre Listowel- Free events at St Johns Arts Centre for 55+.

Bealtaine Festival - The Importance of Being Oscar

Bealtaine Festival – The Bridge

Offering quality theatre to older community, facilitating 55+ population access to diverse arts experience and promoting well being for older community through the arts.


Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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