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15th Sep 2025
to 28th Sep 2025

Age Range
16-18 and/or 18+

Sligo ATU

Ash Lane

ATU Haunting

The Haunting Project came about as a creative way to fund raise in the community while also giving back to the community. It began as a Halloween event in the Hazelwood forest in Sligo and developed over the years to the point it now is based in the New University Campus at Sligo Atu. In the long run the project would hope to achieve a calandered event at the ATU with a strong collaboration with the creative Arts students and student groups in Sligo to see the project's sustainability into the future.
The event is organised and managed each year by the volunteers at North Sligo Athletic Club with help from a local theatre group. We would like to develop a sustainable event with a strong creative team with the help of creative Ireland.

This year we would like to apply for funding from the Creative Ireland Programme to help develop the Arts and Theatre element of the Project and to collaborate with the creative arts community in Sligo.
To Build and Create Theatrical elements for the Haunting Show. The Collaborative project will run from September to October in a series of Arts workshops incorporating Acting Theatre Stage and Costume Design Lighting and Sound, to enhance the immersive experience of the Haunting. This will be a highly engaging and extremely valuable set of skills taught to both youth groups and volunteer groups interested in theatre and festival/event production.


Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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