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Athlone No 1 Gun Battery Heritage group - A deafening silence

6th Jul 2020
to 27th Nov 2020

Age Range
All ages

‘No.1 Gun Battery - a deafening silence’ is a proposed two year project that aims to raise community awareness of the survival and heritage significance of the sole surviving Napoleonic gun battery in Athlone town dating to the early nineteenth century. The gun battery, was constructed, used, but never utilised as intended. 

Athlone No.1 Gun Battery Heritage Group has authorisation and approval for the clearance of heavy overgrowth and vegetation from around the monument once the nesting season ends on August 2020. This event, offers an opportunity to record the level of overgrowth and record the clearance as part of the heritage narrative of the gun battery. We hope to produce high quality video recording of this work, using ground cameras and authorised drone footage. This will highlight aspects and the role of biodiversity and cultural heritage.

In order to put this into historical perspective and enable awareness of the monument, a series of short interviews will be filmed as part of the video production that will tell the story of the gun battery, it’s place in the local knowledge of the community and people of the town.  

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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