Artist in the Community - Brigid1500 project
2024 marks the 1500th anniversary of St Brigids death and as part of the Brigid1500 programme for Louth an Artist in the Community project has been developed with Creative Spark and a number of Artists.
A key part of Louths Brigid1500 programme is to engage communities throughout the county to come together and celebrate the life and legacy of St Brigid. This project is a great opportunity for communities to do this.
The artists taking part will be Susan Farrelly and Una Curley who are both textile & mixed media artists. There will also be Claire McAteer who is a textile & print artist, and Etaoin O’Reilly, a ceramicist. The artists will conduct a variety of workshops through which they will develop a series of art works centered on the theme of St. Brigid. It is anticipated that about 15 pieces of art ranging in various sizes, will be produced and which will then be exhibited at a unique exhibition next February as part of the 1500 commemorations.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.