Animation Residency 2022
The OFFline Animation Residency - now in its 5th year - is a chance for experienced animators to move to the midlands Mecca of culture - Birr that is - and focus on their passion projects for 6 months without the distractions of city commutes, rent, food and other unimportant things like that...
This year sees Joe Loftus and Eoin O’Kane make their way to Offaly to develop projects that they hope will go on to do great things. In the first year of the residency, Jack O’Shea created The Dream Report which went on to win an IFTA - so we’ve got form here!
There will be outreach activities to schools and other artists so keep your eyes peeled. There is also a Show and Tell at the OFFline Film Festival each October - 5th to 9th in 2022.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.