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Cultural Companions

Cultural Companions is an Age and Opportunity Initiative operating in Dublin and other areas around the Country. The aim of Cultural Companions is to address the issue of social isolation amongst older people by facilitating their engagement in arts, heritage and cultural opportunities, and by providing volunteer companions for encouragement and support. Cork County Federation Muintir na Tire, Cork County Council and the HSE have come together to establish a Cultural Companions Network in Cork City and County. Many of us would probably go to a lot more plays, films, shows, concerts, exhibitions or other events if we had someone to go with. There is a thriving social and arts scene out there to be enjoyed if only we had someone with the know-how, the transport or the shared interest to get us going. That is where Cultural Companions comes in and with thanks to the Creative Ireland Programme, Cork County Council is in a position to provide good support to this worthwhile project. The project will see the taking on of a Cultural Companions Worker who will set up local networks of people interested in arts and culture that will accompany each other to events – like-minded people that meet up regularly to go out together either with one other person or as part of a small group. Its aim is to provide increased opportunities for older people to engage with Ireland's vibrant cultural scene. A number of locations in the County of Cork will benefit significantly from the project.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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