Creating a Love of Music
This project is designed to be inclusive for all children, including those with no previous music experience. By using the wonderfully expressive Franck’s Violin Sonata as a base, the students will learn to communicate their ideas, feelings, insights and experiences of the music.St Mary’s Parish Primary School have identified a group of fourth-class students (27 max) who will participate in the programme. Over the course of the project, participants will be given 6-8 workshops in their school, the opportunity to attend classical music rehearsals as part of Drogheda Classical Music’s ongoing series, meet and hear professional musicians perform in their school, work with professional creative artists to compose their own work and attend a performance of Franck’s sonata by pianist Michael McHale and violinist Patrick Rafter.
The three main areas of concentrated learning will tie in with the Primary School music curriculum aims of Listening and Responding, Composing and Performing. Working with professional musicians and artists, the pupils will create their own composition in response to Franck’s Violin Sonata. The composition element will enable the children to work alone or in groups to explore sound, play with simple musical ideas and experience the satisfaction of creating their own compositions. Pupils will be encouraged to bring in any instrument they may have access to outside school, or alternatively will be given use of the varied percussion instruments available
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.