Creativity and Wellbeing in Galway City
This project seeks to promote mental health and wellbeing among disadvantaged communities in Galway City, with a particular focus on those at risk of health inequalities, through a variety of art forms. The project will contribute to the Goals and Themes of the Healthy Ireland Framework and is in line with local strategies for health and creativity, 'Healthy Ireland Framework' 'Healthy Galway City Strategy' and 'Galway City Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018 - 2022' A number of 'Creativity and Wellbeing' programmes will be delivered to promote mental health and integration through the arts with particular focus on those at risk of health inequalities. e.g. Disadvantaged Communities, Traveller Community, People with disabilities, New Communities, asylum seekers, refugees and older people.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.