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15th Jun 2025
to 31st Aug 2025

Age Range

Wexford Libraries

Mallin Street
Y35 AY20

Éist! (Listen!)

Éist! (Listen!) is a story-telling project which will be delivered through the Irish language across Wexford’s five libraries in summer 2025. Featuring small tents where children can sit and gather, Irish and Irish/English audio stories will be available to listen to through headphones. Additionally, there will be Irish-language workshops in each library, led by Wexford-based writer Alison Ní Mhairtín, where young people are invited to contribute to a brand-new Irish-language story inspired by their favourite Irish words. The story will be professionally recorded and produced, and released at the end of the summer via radio and through three listening party workshops in libraries.

Éist! is one of Creative Ireland Wexford’s six Irish Language projects for 2025, meeting our strategic priority to ‘promote the love and use of the Irish language in our community’.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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