15th May 2024
to 31st Dec 2024
Age Range
All ages
Not applicable
Limerick City & County Council
Merchants Quay
EVA local testimonies and self-guided art history tour
Celebrate Limerick’s art heritage and cultural identity:
- Unlock cultural histories. Through the production of a self-guided 'heritage' tour that revisits EVA’s 45+ year history of producing contemporary art exhibitions and events in Limerick. In doing so, it aims to stimulate Limerick’s intertwining histories of art, architecture, urbanism and social engagement;
- Preserve primary source material from personal recollection. EVA and Oral Historian Dr Sarah O’Brien, will record 3 testimonials by local people who have been witness to significant EVA projects over the years; each telling their unique story of visual arts heritage in Limerick;
- Provide visibility and testimony to the cultural legacy of the city. Since 1977 EVA has worked with many acclaimed artists and curators internationally, this is unique and unparalleled in an Irish visual arts context. The proposed activities will engage these unique histories with audiences across Limerick;
- Engage Limerick's art heritage in new ways. EVA will disseminate the project in the following ways for free:
- Testimonies will be sited on EVA’s public ‘Never Look Back’ website resourc);
- Testimonies will also be publicly accessible via selected QR code plaques located across Limerick city;
- Free self-guided 'heritage' tour pamphlets exploring contemporary art history in Limerick will be located across the city;
- A dedicated social media and PR plan will promote ongoing public engagement with assets throughout 2024.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.