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Chelsea Lynn Canavan - Scoil Íde Short Film Premiere

The short film project with Scoil Íde’s Heaney Class and Chelsea Canavan (Artist) is taking place on the 29th November 2022 in Scoil Íde, Corbally, Limerick. The teacher, Colm O’Connor was very keen to develop a film project that engaged the students with their locality and in particular the River Shannon which flows directly behind the school. With that in mind the Artist Chelsea Canavan began conversations with the students in the initial classroom visits about the river. They worked in groups developing their ideas around interactive conversation tables, a methodology that the artist uses to encourage students to develop their own ideas for the project. 


Scoil Íde (6th Class Heaney), Corbally, Limerick


Chelsea Canavan

Scoil Íde, Corbally, Limerick 

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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