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24th Mar 2022
to 28th Sep 2022

Age Range
All ages

Developing cartographic skills for local research - Westmeath Historical Society

The idea for this project emerged from last years Doing Local History project which was supported by Creative Ireland. Paul Gosling gave a lecture on Zoom on using maps in local history which was very well received. He also contributed to the forthcoming Westmeath History and Society volume-the maps he designed for his contribution to this publication add considerably to this important history of the county. Paul has many years experience working with students on map making and design and collaborated with the late Tim Robinson on cartographic techniques. Maps form the cornerstone of local research as their interpretation help create the landscapes and townscapes they depict.

However the next step in cartographic conceptualisation, creating ones own maps based on analysis of sources and on site evaluation is generally beyond the capacity of the general practitioners. This day long seminar is designed to help local researchers acquire these important skills. The focus will be on how IT can be utilised to create cartographic images which in turn will facilitate a deeper understanding of heritage and how communities can better appreciate this heritage.

In conjunction with the seminar we propose to create a video showcasing  potential uses of IT for creating bespoke cartographic representations of urban and rural landscapes in Westmeath. This video can then be uploaded onto Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society.    

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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