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19th Sep 2022
to 31st Oct 2022

Age Range
All ages

Creative Rathangan Meitheal’s Programme of Work 2022

An Evening of Remembrance and Reflection.

An event marking the 100th anniversary of Tom Behan’s death, during the Civil War, on December 13th, 1922.


Brigit or Brigid & The Language of the Goddess – places Brigid in a wider European context, examines her place in Irish tradition and folklore, and the campaign to have a new public holiday on Brigid’s Day – February 1st.

  • Equality Denied – In 1916 Irishwomen were promised equal citizenship, equal rights and equal opportunities but the 1922 and 1937 Constitutions denied women these rights. How much of this was a reaction to the opposition of so many women to the Treaty, or was it inevitable given the influence of the Catholic Church and Catholic Social Teaching?
  • A ‘Just Transition’ and A Wetter Landscape? The lessons from the Just Transition process to date, and the transformation of the landscape via the Peatlands Climate Action Scheme.
School Workshops:

  • Art & Ecology Workshops Working with Primary Schools and Transition Year Students, Creative Rathangan Meitheal will three deliver workshops.

  • A Ramble with Broy takes in places and people mentioned by Broy in his Witness Statement. Descendants of the people mentioned will act as guides. In addition - a series of short films will be made.
  • Ummeras, Brigid and Rewetting Peatlands - a visit to Ummeras birthplace of Brigid and a walk on the newly rewetted peatlands will follow Seminar 1.
Booking links to follow.

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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