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13th May 2022
to 22nd Dec 2022

Age Range
All ages

Forget me not choir virtual sessions

‘Silver Lining’ Friday zoom calls have proven to be a social and cultural lifeline for our choir members with as many as 100 seniors and carers dialling in. They look forward to the calls and are full of chat when they see each other’s faces. They are delighted to sing a song, recite a poem, recall a memory, tell a story or just listen and enjoy the session. 

Our members love the joy and inclusion that these calls achieve which is literally priceless. Our members laugh heartily together but also feel comfortable being able to cry with each other when they get emotional.  It might be a special old song, it might be that they haven’t been able to hug their grandchildren, it might be the recent passing of a close loved one or friend, it might be that their loved one with dementia is deteriorating and they’re finding it very hard to cope.

In addition, to keeping so many distanced seniors and their families online, connected, and most importantly, creatively engaged in the Dublin NorthEast region, we will work with Howth Hill Lodge and Brymore House Residential Nursing Homes to get them zoomed in with us on Fridays to the degree they are able. This entails the homes providing technical support to zoom in as group pods and individuals as necessary. The zoom invitation will also be extended to family members of residents who can dial in remotely and see their loved ones. These two nursing homes include members of our choir who had been unable to link

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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