Know your Locality
FREE Know your Locality online Course commencing Wed 12th May 2021:
This course will take you step-by-step through the available online sources that will allow you to paint a picture of the geological, archaeological, and historical events that happened close to where you live. The course will be delivered through five online tutorials every Wednesday and Friday over two and a half weeks. Begin by looking at the very bedrock under your feet, examining the geological processes and glacial events that shaped the landscape and formed the soils. The course then focuses on the impacts of humans on that landscape over time, from pre-history to the last century.
The course will also outline how these skills can be used to make your own submission to the ‘KnowYour5k’ initiative by the Heritage Council and National Museum of Ireland. Gathering these submissions for your county is a key outcome of the course. Limited places book early to secure your place!
Link to register and for info here
* funded by Westmeath County Council (Heritage Office) through the Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.