Opportunities for young people to enjoy creative experiences in digital tech and learn new skills
Launched by Minister Catherine Martin at the Creative Youth Conference 2021, the Creative Ireland Programme, in partnership with Kinia (formerly Camara Ireland), gives young people more opportunities to experience creative technology projects outside school.
The idea is to support the training of youth workers in areas including: robotics, animation, sound production, visual design, augmented/ virtual reality and makerspaces. It’s about supporting interest in future technologies and skills development.

ESB Creative Tech Fest
To underpin this new programme, Kinia undertook a digital needs analyses with 88 different youth groups and services across 19 counties from January to June 2021 (working with Tusla, Children and Young People Services Committees (CYPSCs) and Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI)). The report is available here.
It highlights that creativity and technology are emerging as a key driver for future opportunity – but also that supports are needed for those working with young people to enable them to provide workshops in this area. By enhancing existing plans and programmes of youth settings through the creative application of technology, the programme will contribute to achieving positive outcomes and the development of future skills for young people.

ESB Creative Tech Fest – 2018
Kinia are working with youth services to provide training, equipment and access to peer networks and support for those working with young people. The programme will also provide opportunities for young people to get involved in the annual Creative TechFest 2021.
It is also hoped this project can contribute to the development of increased opportunities to pursue formal creative technology education opportunities. Together with a partners in the Education and Training Boards, this programme will provide opportunities for formal, accredited training. For example, QQI accredited Digital Youth Work modules within existing youth work courses to augment the skills of youth workers; or new QQI modules for Youthreach settings or School Completion Programmes as a pathway to further education and learning and support career pathways and apprenticeships.

ESB Creative Tech Fest event in the Convention Centre Dublin.
In announcing this programme in Dublin Castle on 12 May 2021, Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media highlighted how the programme would support capacity building in youth services. It will enable young people to enjoy new experiences with creative technology and learn new skills, helping them to continue their education, gain a foothold in employment and to open up new opportunities – through discovering their own innate creativity.