National Rollout of Borrow Box Training
All Libraries nationally offer the Borrow Box service and other online services. This project aims to roll out a training programme to those who most need to access the services but don't know how to do it. Library Staff, HSE staff and Waterford Social Prescribers have already received training and the Creative Ireland funding will allow further training to continue and peer to peer training for older people to be rolled out by supplying equipment to enable this to happen.
This programme aims to:
• Empower older people to avail of the fantastic range of
library services available online
• To familiarise many older people with getting on-line
• Enhance digital literacy and engagement
• Enable individuals to participate in other online activities ,
such as exercise classes, singing, Bealtaine, zooming, etc
For more information and to get involved, please email
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.