The V.I.M. Programme – (Vulnerability Inspires Movement) Capacity Building for Cultural Professionals
Arts, cultural and events sectors and activities have been disproportionally impacted by COVID-19 disruptions with consequent negative effects on the livelihoods and general wellbeing of those employed in these areas. The V.I.M (Vulnerability Inspires Movement) Programme was designed to assist professional practitioners working in Waterford’s Cultural Quarter to acquire skills and insights that equipped them to cope and grow through current challenges resulting from COVID-19 trading conditions.
A group of twenty arts, cultural and related professionals were invited to participate. They include artists, arts producers, artistic directors. Local Authority cultural managers and commercial business owners operating in the quarter.
The programme commissioned leading performance psychologist Gerry Hussey to co-design a capacity-building model for this group in partnership with Waterford arts producer T.V. Honan. It will be delivered over four official sessions and one informal session in November/December 2020.
While originally designed as a series of live encounters at Garter Lane Arts Centre, in Waterford’s Cultural Quarter, the mid-October intensification of restrictions to Level 5 resulted in the programme sessions being transferred online. This was agreed with the programme commissioning team at Waterford Cultural Quarter.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.