A Tradition of Artistic Mosaic Shopfronts in County Roscommon
Artist Laura Early and writer Tom Roseingrave will publish a photo book based on Roscommon’s mosaic shopfronts.Through photography,research and interviews with the crafts people,the book will inform about the history and origins of the mosaic designs in County Roscommon,one of the only counties in Ireland that produced ‘Artistic Mosaics’ between 1940 up until the year 2000.In 2018, Laura created a photo book titled ‘Artistic Mosaics in the West of Ireland’. The book explored mosaic shop fronts located around County Roscommon and neighbouring counties. Photographs were produced and interviews with locals were conducted for the purpose of the photo book. The book was printed and exhibited in a photo book exhibition at the N.C.A.D Gallery. After producing this body of work the artist realised the potential of this project. She felt that she had only scratched the surface of this project and recognised how the photo book was in need of more research and development. Since, the artist has continued researching this topic gathering more information, capturing more photos and conducting more interviews. The artist’s current aim is to collaborate with Roscommon County Council in order to produce a finished artifact representing this part of local history from a creative perspective.
As above, the photo book will be in collaboration with writer Tom Roseingrave who will write a short essay to enhance the book based on research gathered.More information to follow in the event site link
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.